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It was a rebellion in Scotland.


a rebellion in Scotland


In 1715 an uprising of Jacobites loyal to the Stuarts broke out in Scotland, in connivance with the son and successor of James II of England, James Francis Edward Stuart, the so-called "Old Pretender" (or James III for his supporters). The Scottish Jacobites began their revolt on September 6, 1715 and took Perth shortly thereafter, initiating an uprising on a larger scale, though with little popular support outside the Scottish Highlands; meanwhile, the government reaction in November caused losses to the rebels. Only on December 22, 1715, James Francis Edward Stuart arrived in Scotland on a ship provided by France and installed his court in Scone, but could not help to stop the forces of the House of Hannover, numerically much superior. On February 4, 1716 the Old Pretender fled back to France and urged his supporters of the Scottish clans to abandon the fight, which happened immediately.