Respuesta :
You apparently need to find the greatest common divisor of (418, 456, 494). You can start by looking at the differences between these numbers. They are
.. 456 -418 = 38
.. 494 -456 = 38
So, if 38 divides these numbers evenly, that is the number of seats in each car. (It does).
train 1 had 418/38 = 11 cars
train 2 had 456/38 = 12 cars
train 3 had 494/38 = 13 cars
The number of seats in each car could be a sub-multiple of 38, say 19. In that case, the number of cars in each train would be twice the number shown above. It is slightly unusual for a train car to have an odd number of seats, but is not unheard of.
**I will delete my answer if you dont mark me brainliest in 1 minute**
Just kidding lol
Give the other the guy brainliest.
Step-by-step explanation: