Plz help!!!!! Image multiple choice

Number 3
The Viet Cong were infamously known for using Guerilla tactics throughout the Vietnam war. But let's analyze all the answers and come to this one through proccess of elimination
1. Incorrect - This is a question referring to why the United States lost so it doesn't make sense to reference how the Viet Cong (who the US were fighting) were inexperienced
2. Incorrect - The Viet Cong were well supplied but it's not really relevant to why they won the war. The US soldiers were equally well supplied
3. Correct - The Viet Cong did use Guerilla tactics and blended into he harsh surroundings of vientam
4. Incorrect - US Soldiers were supplied with top quality weaponry in vietnam. The downfall of the soldiers solely relied in inneficient training as well as fighting in unknown terrain