Task #3 Debugging a Java Program
1. Copy the file Sales Tax.java (see Code Listing 1.2) from the Student CD or as directed by your instructor.
2. Open the file in your IDE or text editor as directed by your instructor. This file contains a simple Java program that contains errors. Compile the program. You should get a listing of syntax errors. Correct all the syntax errors, you may want to recompile after you fix some of the errors.
3. When all syntax errors are corrected, the program should compile. As in the previous exercise, you need to develop some test data. Use the chart below to record your test data and results when calculated by hand.
4. Execute the program using your test data and recording the results. If the output of the program is different from what you calculated, this usually indicates, a logic error. Examine the program and correct any logic errors. Compile the program and execute using the test data again. Repeat until all output matches what is expected?
Item Price Tax Total (calculated) Total (output)
Code Listing 1.2 (SalesTax.java)
import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for the Scanner class
This program calculates the total price which includes sales tax.
public class Sales Tax
public static void main(String[] args)
// Identifier declarations
final double TAX_RATE = 0.055;
double price;
double tax
double total;
String item;
// Create a Scanner object to read from the keyboard.
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); ");
// Display prompts and get input.
System.out.print("Item description:
item= keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.print("Item price: $");
price - keyboard.nextDouble();
// Perform the calculations.
tax = price + TAX_RATE;
totl - price* tax;
// Display the results.
System.out.print (item + " $");
System.out.print("Tax $");
System.out.print("Total $");
System.out.println (total);

Respuesta :


import java.util.Scanner;

public class SalesTax


public static void main(String[] args)


// Identifier declarations

final double TAX_RATE = 0.055;

double price;

double tax;

double total;

String item;

// Create a Scanner object to read from the keyboard.

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

// Display prompts and get input.

System.out.print("Item description:");

item= keyboard.nextLine();

System.out.print("Item price: $");

price = keyboard.nextDouble();

// Perform the calculations.

tax = price + TAX_RATE;

total = price + tax;

// Display the results.

System.out.print (item + " $");


System.out.print("Tax $");


System.out.print("Total $");

System.out.println (total);


