Answer and Explanation:
The function of the Polonius-Ophelia-Laertes family is to act as an aid to the royal family, however when analyzing the work, we can see that this family has the function of establishing a counterpoint to the dominant family, showing the opposite of each other.
Both families are incomplete. The Polonius-Ophelia-Laertes family does not present the mother, while the Claudius-Gertrude-Hamlet family does not present the father. Both families have ambitious characters with plans to seize power (Claudios and Polonius). However, Claudios' plans are well structured and successful, while Polonius has disorganized and failed plans.
Both families have young melancholy people with signs of madness (Ophelia and hamlet), however, Ophelia is less contemplative and more decisive, being able to kill, even if it is necessary to kill herself, while Hamlet is more indecisive, thoughtful and cowardly about killing and keeping alive.
This question is about "Hamlet" a tragedy written by Shakespeare, which shows the life of the young Prince Hamlet and his daydreams to get revenge for the death of the father, who was murdered by Hamlet's uncle who coveted the throne.