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Republicans believe in a democracy where everyone gets what they make. Socialists believe that everyone should be equal and what is made given and shared with everyone so no person has more than the other


The system of beliefs of the Republican Party from a Socialist Party ranges widely.

Firstly, the current Republican Party believes in small federal government control, while the Socialist Party believe that the federal government should take the initiative on many of the country's policies.

Secondly, the Republican Party is now commonly known as the law-and-order party, supporting the local police organizations, securing the border, removing illegal immigrations, cracking down on gangs, etc. The Socialist Party believes in the Open Border Policy, catch-and-release.

Thirdly, on the issue of business, the Republican Party believe that small business owners should also have a chance to success, and should not be burdened by extra taxes and regulations. They have been known to pass large amounts of deregulations under the Trump Administration. The Socialist Party believes in high taxes and regulations, and typically with these policies support larger more founded companies that can handle heavy taxes.

Fourthly, the Republican Party seeks to save the Constitution as well as the Founding rights of all people, including the right to own firearms. The Socialist Party seeks to disarm the people for a gradual take over and complete government control.

Last but not least, a republic gives the power to the people in the name of benefiting the people. A socialist country gives power to individuals in the name of the people.