Music can help people in many ways. Music is known to help people with memory and language problems by helping them remember and learning how to speak again. It can also improve your health and productivity and it serves as a form of expression, as well as a way for teenagers to understand and identify some emotions that they might be feeling. Listening to music is also good for people who are under a lot of stress, so they can relax and sleep better. Because taking music lessons can also improve many skills, it’s recommendable to get involved with it to help yourself in school or work. For patients with mental illnesses, like Alzheimer's and dementia, taking music therapy can be really helpful mentally, physically, and emotionally. Musicians have a better memory than people who don’t know how to play an instrument. This is because their training gives them a high working-memory brain. Having this is good because it enhances thinking and concentration, and you develop better listening abilities. Music training can improve verbal memory and attention.