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Here are some of the negative effects of monsoons:
The Negative Impact of the West Monsoon Wind
The negative effects of the west monsoon wind are as follows:
Increases bloody fever – When the rainy season comes, there will be a lot of puddles that we will find in our environment. When there is a lot of puddle it will trigger many mosquitoes that come out of their nest and look for a place to leave their eggs in the water pools. This will result in the birth of mosquito larvae which will then become mosquitoes that can spread dengue or dengue fever.
Causes a high risk of landslides – Heavy rain will easily trigger the cause of landslides, especially in hilly areas. This of course will endanger residents who have homes in these hilly areas. This will be supported when there are very few trees in the area, so the risk of this landslide will be even greater.
Farmer harvests nothing – The rainy season has a positive impact on farmers. But this does not rule out the possibility that farmers will also experience bad things, namely in the form of crop failure. Many farmers face problems related to their harvest when the rainfall falls too much. This can happen because many rice fields are flooded so that many plants will die because of this. In addition, drying of rice will also be difficult because of the lack of sunlight and also the difficulty of aerating rice in the open because of the continuous rain.
Fishermen become disturbed – Continuous rain will cause fishermen to be disturbed and as a result fishermen will find it hard to go to sea. This is because the sky when the rain will appear dark and heavy rain will also cause risk if fishermen go to sea.
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