The Krebs Cycle will not take place if _____.
You will now be asked to demonstrate your knowledge of connectives and paragraphs.

Select one of the following topic sentences and write a paragraph that develops this topic. End the paragraph with a clinching sentence that refers to and repeats the idea (but does not use the same words) of the topic sentence.

My favorite food is _____.
I cannot concentrate when _____.
Sports are overemphasized in school and should be eliminated.
Sports are necessary for a good education.
The problem I would try to solve first if I were President is _____.

When you have completed the paragraph, number the sentences you wrote. Send the project to your teacher to review.

Once you have received the report back from your teacher, rewrite the paragraph. In rewriting, you should apply not only what you have learned about connectives but also your knowledge of paragraph development. When you are finished revising, send your completed paragraph back to the teacher.

Before you submit your paragraph, you should look for and evaluate these points:

complete sentences (no fragments)
topic sentence
support of topic sentence (every sentence should help develop main idea)
clinching sentence