Assume Caterpillar, Inc. (CAT) reports investments in affiliated companies, consisting mainly of its 50% ownership of Shin Caterpillar Mitsubishi, Ltd. Caterpillar reports those investments on its balance sheet at $576 million, and provides the following footnote in its 10-K report.

Investments in unconsolidated affiliated companies Our investments in affiliated companies accounted for by the equity method consist primarily of a 50% interest in Shin Caterpillar Mitsubishi Ltd. (SCM) located in Japan. Combined financial information of the unconsolidated affiliated companies accounted for by the equity method (generally on a three-month lag, e.g., SCM results reflect the periods ending September 30) was as follows:

Years Ended December 31 (Millions of Dollars) 2011 2010 2009
Results of operations:
Sales $4,007 $4,420 $4,140
Cost of sales 3,210 3,526 3,257
Gross profit $797 $894 $883
Profit $157 $187 $161
Caterpillar's profit $73 $81 $73

Sales from SCM to Caterpillar of approximately $1.67 billion, $1.81 billion and $1.73 billion in 2011, 2010 and 2009 respectively, are included in the affiliated company sales. In addition, SCM purchased $268 million, $273 million and $282 million of products from Caterpillar in 2011, 2010 and 2009, respectively.

December 31 (Millions of Dollars) 2011 2010 2009
Financial position:
Current assets $2,062 $1,807 $1,714
Property, plant and equipment-net 1,286 1,119 1,120
Other assets 173 176 194
3,521 3,102 3,028
Current liabilities 1,546 1,394 1,348
Long-term debt due after one year 269 309 318
Other liabilities 393 145 188
2,208 1,848 1,854
Ownership $1,313 $1,254 $1,174

Ceterpillar's investment in unconsolidated affiliated
companies, December 31 (millions of dollars) 2011 2010 2009
Investment in equity method companies $576 $542 $540
Plus: Investment in cost method companies 16 20 25
Investment in unconsolidated affiliated companies $592 $562 $565

What assets and liabilities of unconsolidated affiliates are included on CAT's balance sheet as a result of the equity method of accounting for those investments?

Respuesta :


The assets and liabilities of the unconsolidated affiliates are not included on CAT's balance sheet using the equity method of accounting.

The only accounts that are included are CAT's investments in the unconsolidated affiliated companies of $592, $562, and $565 for the three years and CAT's share of Shin Caterpillar Mitsubishi, Ltd. profits or losses, totalling $157, $187, and $161 for the years 2011, 2010, and 2009 respectively.


a) Data:

Caterpillar's investment in unconsolidated affiliated  companies,

December 31 (millions of dollars)                                 2011     2010      2009

Investment in equity method companies                  $576     $542      $540

Plus: Investment in cost method companies                  16         20          25

Investment in unconsolidated affiliated companies $592    $562     $565

Shin Caterpillar Mitsubishi, Ltd.

December 31 (millions of dollars)  2011     2010      2009

Profit                                               $157     $187        $161

Caterpillar's share (50%)              $78.5    $93.5      $80.5

b) The equity method does not require consolidating the accounts of the subsidiaries with the parent's.  The parent reports its investments in the and its share of profits from the subsidiaries.

Universidad de Mexico