Camus wanted to show that the human being is punished with monotony for allowing religious and economic systems to dominate him. In addition, he wants to show that this monotony makes the human being believe that he is part of these systems, but the human is a mere instrument of production and does not have the right to participate in the structuring and choices that this system has.
The Myth of Sisyphu presents the story of Sisyphu, a very intelligent and cunning peasant who was able to deceive the gods with ease, until one day the gods punished him to live, for eternity, by rolling a heavy and large stone from the ground to the top every day.
Albert Camus, used this myth to show how human beings are manipulated and used by religion and capitalist systems, making them live in a monotony that only made these systems grow, but that did not promote any kind of benefits or participation for human beings, keeping them captive in those systems.