OJ. They stimulate maximum root and stem growth at different concentrations.
Looking at the graph found in the attachment below, conclusions can be drawn about the effect ofnthe difference in concentration of plant hormones in the two different parts of the plants under consideration, the roots and the stem.p
Considering the roots;
maximum growth of the roots of plants as seen by the upward curve ofbthe arrow, is obtained when plant hormones are at low concentrations. However, with increase in the concentration of plant hormones, the growth of root diminishes as seen bynthe downward slope of the curve.
Considering the stems:
At low concentration of hoeprmones, the growth of stem is very minimal. However, with increase in concentration of plants hormones, a rapid upward shoot is seen in curve indicating a rapid increase in growth. Maximum growth occurs at high concentration of plant hormones.
Therefore, the proper conclusion is that, plant hormones stimulate maximum root and stem growth at different concentrations.