I just answered a question like this lol sorry I didn't see this faster!!
The moon itself doesn’t emit any light like the sun. What we see when we see the moon is sunlight off the moon.
As the moon circles the Earth, we can only see a portion of the lit up side. When we can see 100% of the lit up side, this is a Full moon. When we can’t see any of the lit up side, this is called a dark moon or new moon.
What are the different phases of the moon?
As the moon orbits or circles the Earth, the phase changes.
What is the phase called where we can’t see any of the lit up side of the moon?
New Moon.
Starting with the New Moon, list the phases of the moon.
New Moon.
Waxing Crescent.
First Quarter.
Waxing Gibbous.
Waning Gibbous.
Third Quarter.
Waning Crescent.Waxing or Waning?
As the New moon begins its orbit and we see more and more of the moon, this is called waxing/waning.
After the moon gets to its Full phase, we start to see less and less of the moon. This is called waning.
The ones in italic big bold I didn't get. The rest I ( in smaller bold writing) did. So still more than half! Hope this helped and have a wonderful day! :)
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