I'm trying my best,
to get better each day
cause, i can't go on
living this way
I sit there most days
in tears, and blood
just wishing that
I didn't do it
But i can't take back
everything that happened
even though when i did it
I new it was wrong
So each day, is like a knife
through the heart
I'm trying to get better
but it's just not working
I try to live every day to the full
but my mind starts to wonder
and take a different track
I end up sat crying
and feel like i'm dying
on the inside

Respuesta :

get it i guess but ok


You try your best cause you know you can make it better.

You have been sitting in tears and blood wishing you didnt do it

Knowing you can get rid of what you did

You knew it was wrong but still did it

You try living to your life to the fullest but you always change paths

You cry and feel like your dying

even though you know that youre still surviving
