Create your own graphic organizer that compares and contrasts the Industrial Revolution with today's technological revolution. You will use your background knowledge from this unit to complete the portion about the Industrial Revolution, and you will use one source you found through your research to complete the portion about today's technological revolution.

Your organizer should address all of the items below.

The Industrial Revolution:

What were the causes?
What were the effects?
What were some problems that were a result?
What were some benefits that were a result?
Today's Technological Revolution:

What were the causes?
What were the effects?
What were some problems that were a result?
What were some benefits that were a result?
You should also include the source information about the article or text you selected through your research.

Click here for an example graphic organizer you may use for this assignment. Or, you can create your own graphic organizer and upload it in the space below. Click here to view the rubric for this assignment.

Respuesta :

Answer: a big cause for the start of the industrial revolution, was the need for more production (a result of the agricultural revolution). the demand for materials rose significantly, and people developed machinery to preform tasks at a faster, more efficient pace.

a big effect was that people had more access to jobs, and people with low social class and low experience could now work (including children and women). this bettered the lives of common people, and it allowed more people to be employed. another effect was evidently an increase in manufactured goods, which helped the economy.

a big problem was the unfair treatment of workers in factories. they were given little breaks in between long work hours, and were often treated poorly regarding their safety, and well being. the factories often had poor sanitation and safety protocols, which led to disease and therefore death or a hard life.

a benefit was that slavery was no longer as necessary as it had been before the revolution. however, in some areas, people got greedy with money and decided to keep the slaves in order to make even more money. a benefit was also that people with low education could now work, and the economy benefitted greatly in many areas.


Universidad de Mexico