What was the dream that you used with the Dream Dictionary about (if you are not comfortable disclosing the dream skip this question and start with the next one)? What did the Dream Dictionary say about the dream’s meaning? How might this fit into what you learned about dreaming in the chapter readings? You should cite your textbook as your source for this part. What dream theory would the dream best fall under? Do you believe that dreams have real meaning? Why or why not? Do you see any problems associated with the Dream Dictionary and other websites like it? If so, what?

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Answer and Explanation:

1. The dream I used in the dream dictionary, was a dream in which a cat I was raising had been stolen.

2. According to the dictionary of dreams, dreaming about cats means an independent spirit, creativity and power. In this sense, to dream that a cat is being lost, means that I am losing my independence and power, as well as my free spirituality and creativity.

3. In this way, we can affirm that my dream fits into the theory of dreams addressed by Freud, who affirms that dreams are part of our subconscious, since the loss of these factors is a fear that I believe I am going through.

4. I believe that dreams can have real meaning with a person's state of mind, but this is not always real, as dreams are often confusing and not very interpretive.

5. I do not believe that sites that promote the meaning of dreams are harmful, as long as they are consulted in a recreational way. However, examining them in a professional manner is incorrect as there is no certainty that these sites were created by professionals.