Create an array of doubles to contain 5 values Prompt the user to enter 5 values that will be stored in the array. These values represent hours worked. Each element represents one day of work. Create 3 c-strings: full[40], first[20], last[20] Create a function parse_name(char full[], char first[], char last[]). This function will take a full name such as "Noah Zark" and separate "Noah" into the first c-string, and "Zark" into the last c-string. Create a function void create_timecard(double hours[], char first[], char last[]). This function will create (write to) a file called "timecard.txt". The file will contain the parsed first and last name, the hours, and a total of the hours. See the final file below. First Name: Noah

Respuesta :

Solution :

[tex]$\#$[/tex]include [tex]${data-answer}lt;stdio.h>$[/tex]  

[tex]$\#$[/tex]include [tex]${data-answer}lt;string.h>$[/tex]    

void parse[tex]$\_$[/tex]name([tex]$char \ full[]$[/tex], char first[tex]$[],$[/tex] char last[tex]$[])$[/tex]


// to_get_this_function_working_immediately, _irst

// stub_it_out_as_below._When_you_have_everything_else

// working,_come_back_and_really_parse_full_name

// this always sets first name to "Noah"

int i, j = 0;

for(i = 0; full[i] != ' '; i++)

  first[j++] = full[i];

first[j] = '\0';  

// this always sets last name to "Zark"

j = 0;

strcpy(last, full+i+1);

// replace the above calls with the actual logic to separate

// full into two distinct pieces


int main()


char full[40], first[20], last[20];

double hours[5];

// ask the user to enter full name

printf("What is your name? ");


// parse the full name into first and last

parse_name(full, first, last);

// load the hours

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


   printf("Enter hours for day %d: ", i+1);

   scanf("%lf", &hours[i]);


// create the time card

FILE* fp = fopen("timecard.txt", "w");

fprintf(fp, "First Name: %s\n", first);

fprintf(fp, "Last Name: %s\n", last);

double sum = 0.0;

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


   fprintf(fp, "Day %i: %.1lf\n", i+1, hours[i]);

   sum += hours[i];


fprintf(fp, "Total: %.1f\n", sum);    

printf("Timecard is ready. See timecard.txt\n");

return 0;


Universidad de Mexico