Find the fallacy and choose the best answer:
1. If we let the government control prices for healthcare, pretty soon they will want to control how much other businesses charge for services. Next thing you know, we will be a Communist society!
Group of answer choices
slippery slope
appeals to emotions
hasty generalization
either-or (or false dilemma)
2. You need to get the new iphone 8! Everyone, including me, has one!
Group of answer choices
appeal to popularity (ad populum)
begging the question
glittering generality
3. He doesn't know anything about finances. He's just an uneducated plumber!
Group of answer choices
ad hominem
hasty generalization
begging the question
explaining by naming
4. "Officer, please don't take my husband to jail! He is the only one working right now, and if you lock him up my kids and I will end up on the street!
Group of answer choices
appeal to emotions
straw person
wishful thinking
ad hominem