Yoo I need help rn
Imagine 2 characters, they were childhood bestfriends and bestfriend 1 slowly develops feelings for bestfriend 2 (yes theyre both boys btw), when theyre 16 and 17 bestfriend 2 turns evil. Both bestfriends are now on different sides that go against eachother. In order to not be called traitors by their own sides they have to fight eachother. Despite bestfriend 2 being full of hatred and not caring whether he kills his own friends, he doesnt want to hurt bestfriend 1.
I have 2 OCs with these connection and I wanna find a song that would fit that, you know? A song that bestfriend 1 is singing from his point of view and how hes a lil heartbroken that the one person he trusted most turned into a killer.