While researching immigration to the U.S. in the 1800s, Cecil reads these two texts:

Text 1: New arrivals traveling in first or second class disembarked in Manhattan and were allowed to enter the U.S. without a physical examination. Third-class “steerage” passengers, on the other hand, were sent on barges to Ellis Island, where they endured thorough exams that tested their physical and mental health.

Text 2: Only immigrants traveling in third class actually went through Ellis Island. Once there, they were given an invasive medical and psychological exam. First- or second-class immigrants were given a brief examination when their ships arrived in Manhattan and then permitted to leave the ship and go through Customs.

What is the point of difference, or conflict, between these texts?

They differ on the classes of immigrants sent to Ellis Island.
They differ on the types of exams given to third-class passengers.
They differ on where first- and second-class passengers entered the U.S.
They differ on whether first- and second-class passengers were examined before entering the U.S.