Respuesta :


I'd have scientists genetically modify the food to make the majority weak while feeding them brainwashing anti*insert whatever I don't like* through the news and hollywood. I'd call anyone that dislikes what I'm doing as anti*my minority group*or a terrorist. I'd rewrite history to make them seem like the bad guys and make them hate themselves, take away their freedoms of speech, expression, and weapons, implement a massive trickle down system where the money from the taxpayers(which I'd tax heavily for everything) that starts at the top, giving us all the money we want while leaving the rest of society to be poor and full of nothing but workers with the sole task of doing what I want. I'd destroy any form of nationalism or love for the country and leave them feeling hopeless and lost. I'd make it to where if anyone wants to migrate from my country, they'll have to have an extended passport that only lasts for a while and then they have to come back, etc. alot of things i could do and some of these have already happened.
