1. What is the text about?
2. What are the steps presented in this process text?
3. What words help you get the process step by step?
4. What do you think will happen when one or two steps are

1 What is the text about2 What are the steps presented in this process text3 What words help you get the process step by step4 What do you think will happen whe class=

Respuesta :


1. Directions


  • Ride a jeep or tricycle to pass San Juan or Baenotan road.
  • Ask the driver to drop you off at the information office
  • register your name as a tourist and coordinate with the trained tourist guide of munieipality of San Gabriel
  • ride motorcycle or 'habal=habal' or a jeepney
  • have a walk and hike for some hours

3. First, second, third, then

4. Good Luck
