
Just a poem. No biggie.

The Darkness Is A Friend ~ T.H.McGalliard

I used to be afraid of the dark,
And what might be lurking in it,
Monsters that'd eat me,
Demons ready to steal my soul,
But over the years my fear lessened,
It became more welcoming,
Like a warm hug when you're cold,
But it shouldn't have,
I preferred the dark because it hid my tears,
No one could see the anguish on my face,
The lifelessness in my eyes,
No one could see my body shake,
With muffled sobs in my pillow,
Slowly I fell for the darkness and its inhabitants,
The demon in my closet became a vent,
Who I'd tell my deepest secrets too,
The monster under my bed would hold my hand,
When I was falling apart once again,
The darkness I had once feared,
Became a friend.