Please help me with these questions. Thank you.

Where Are You on the Political Spectrum?

This questionnaire will indicate, in general terms, whether you fall on the left, right, or center of the political spectrum. As honestly as you can, indicate whether you Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), or Strongly Disagree (SD) in the box next to the statement.

1. The death penalty is wrong and should not be allowed under any circumstances.


2. The government should use tax money to help pay for the cost of daycare for all parents.

3. Presidents and CEOs of big companies that pollute our air and water should be fined and held personally responsible.

4. The government should welcome any person who wants to immigrate to Canada.

5. Canada’s Indigenous Peoples should be given the land they were promised in treaties signed with governments.

6. If a factory is polluting the air and water, the government should close it down, even if it means that its workers would lose their jobs.

7. The government should spend less money on our armed forces.

8. Laws should be passed and enforced to ensure that women receive the same pay as men when they do work of equal value.

9. The United States should not be allowed to test weapons in Canada, even if this means that some Canadian workers would lose their jobs.

10. High school students should be allowed to take any course they want; there should be no compulsory subjects.

11. If a person is poor, the government should support them by providing adequate financial aid.

12. The government should control the amount of rent that a landlord can charge tenants.

13. The tax laws should be changed to make rich people and big companies pay more than those who are less wealthy.

14. The government should provide financial support to parents to allow them to stay at home after they have had a baby.

15. Change is more important than a tradition in our society.

16. No person or government should be allowed to censor any book, movie, or piece of music.

17. Artists, writers, and musicians are more important in society than business executives.

18. Going on strike is a justifiable way of communicating strong dissatisfaction in the workplace.

19. The government should give more money to universities and community colleges in order to keep student fees low, even if this means raising taxes.

20. Canada should give financial aid to poorer countries.

Respuesta :



1. It should not be given to anybody, whether they are under the age of 18 or not. It is morally wrong and will be the doom of America, The Mighty. Death comes to everyone with its own time. And, anyway, the mental suffering is more powerful than Death.

2.There are many tax credits and deductions available to parents and families, but one of the most overlooked and beneficial is taking a tax credit toward the money spent for day care. These expenses qualify for the child care tax credit (IRS Form 2441) — formally known as the Child

3.Presidents and CEOs of big companies that pollute our air and water should be fined and held personally responsible.

4.people who have received "approval-in-principle" from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to stay in Canada; If you were a resident of Canada in an earlier year, and you are now a non-resident, you will be considered a resident of Canada for income tax purposes when you move back to Canada and re-establish your residential ties. As a newcomer to Canada, you will need a social insurance number (SIN). For more information, visit Service Canada.

5.Indigenous treaties in Canada are agreements made between the Crown and Indigenous people (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit). These agreements concern land. Indigenous people agree to share their land in exchange for payments of one kind or another and promises. Before Confederation, Britain controlled the treaty making process.

6.If a factory is polluting the air and water, the government should close it down, even if it means that its workers would lose their jobs. The government should spend less money on our armed forces. Laws should be passed and enforced to ensure that women receive the same pay as men when they do work of equal value.

7.The United States should not spend less money on the military because it is such an essential resource. The world relies on the U.S. military, the government relies on it for safety, and American citizens rely on it to gain employment, training experience, and a successful future. The government's expenditure on the military is money well-spent.

8.Men and women doing the same job should receive the same compensation. The Equal Pay Act (EPA) is a federal law which states that men and women must be paid the same amount of money for doing the same job. This law came into existence in 1963 and was an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. § 206).

9.To do this, you must take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and pass the subsequent safety test (it is also possible to skip the safety course, as long as you pass the test). It does not count if you took a similar test in the US; Canada requires that you pass theirs. If you do pass the test, you get a PAL that lasts for five years.

10.consequently, students should be allowed to pick the subjects which they are going to study together with the main one. As Goldrik-Rab and Roksa explain, ???College students need study skills in order to learn course content, must choose courses wisely to develop college majors, and make consistent progress in earning college credits toward.

11.The government should control the amount of rent that a landlord can charge tenants. D 13. The tax laws should be changed to make rich people and big companies pay more than those who are less wealthy. A 14. The government should provide financial support to parents to allow them to stay at home after they have had a baby. A 15. Change is more important than tradition in our society.

I got feel like looking up the rest