1. Draw a speed-time graph representing an already moving cart hit with three gentle backwards taps. Note: The taps aren’t hard enough to stop the cart – just slow it down.
Label the portions of the graph where a force is acting on the cart.
Explain how you know a force is acting during these parts of the graph.

2. Draw a speed-time graph representing the following situation:
A fan is attached to a motion cart at rest, then turned on. (part 1)
Eventually, the batteries in the cart go dead – so the cart travels on its own for a bit. (part 2)
A strong wind picks up, which continually opposes the motion of the cart and causes it to turn around. (part 3)
Note: You’re drawing a single continuous speed-time graph containing all 3 parts – not 3 separate graphs. Be sure to label each part of the graph.