Joan spends some time demonstrating that highly skilled and talented people will leave their company if not valued, how an inappropriate joke creates tension, and how failure to value individual employees could even lead to lower productivity. She then moves on to brainstorming what each manager can do as an individual to enhance diversity. She closes the day's session with a discussion of how diversity and inclusion management must be seen as a process, have clear business objectives that permit assessment, and be supported by managers at all levels if it is to succeed.Refer to . Jane's comments are an example of ____ prejudice.​A) ​genderB) ​raceC) ​ageD) ​sexual orientation

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Sex is known as the physical and biological traits that partains to living is categorized as male, female, and also the inclusion of intersex.

Gender is defined as attitudes, feelings and behaviors which a known culture is in line with a person's biological sex.

Prejudiceis simply known as the negative, harmful or hostile feeling or an attitude toward a person or group without having concrete reasons.

Gender Prejudice is simply defined as the act of maltreatment or mistreatment of people because of their belief that their gender is lesser or inferior to another. A person is guity of demonstrating prejudice when he/she​​makes judgments without examining the facts.