How does the disagreement over the creation of the bank of the united states reflect the ideology differences that separated hamilton and jefferson?

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« The Battle of Freeman’s FarmThe Nullification Crisis »Hamilton Vs. Jefferson

December 29, 2006 by Ando

I had intended to post Part II of the WWI question last night, but got caught up doing movie reviews on Life of Ando.  So to slake your ravenous historical thirst in the meantime, here is my assignment from my history class this past week.  If you’re really into American history and how the politics of the early Republic shook out, Jefferson vs. Hamilton is a great study.  It’s also a little, I guess comforting, to know that as bad as we think today’s politicians are,  politics was always a very dirty game.  Like Bismarck said, “Laws are like sausages.  Better to not see them being made.”  And as Ecclesiastes says, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”

1) How did the political philosophies of these men differ?

Most clear thinking Americans could probably tell you at least the rudimentary facts of who Thomas Jefferson was. Far fewer would likely have a definite idea of who Alexander Hamilton was and what his contributions as a Founding Father were. Yet his conception of an American government was just as important as that of Jefferson. Both founders foresaw the new nation as a great future power, and both had very different maps of how to get it there.

Jefferson believed the nation’s strength lay in its agricultural roots. He favored an agrarian nation with most powers reserved for the states. He was very opposed to a strong central authority and believed that the people were the final authority in government. Jefferson also encouraged active support for the French Revolution

Hamilton favored a strong central authority. He believed a strong government was necessary to provide order so that business and industry could grow. He envisioned America becoming an industrial power. To this end he sought to establish a national bank and fund the national debt in order to establish firm base for national credit. Hamilton believed that the government should be run by those who were educated and wealthy rather than by “the mob.” He opposed involvement in the French Revolution and worried Jeffersonians by appearing, and maybe even being, too cozy with Britain.


Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, the two advisors of George Washinton, even after Washington's warning about the creation of political factions, formed the two political factions in the US, which created the dual party system which still operates today.


Thomas Jefferson is the main generator of Federalist and Alexander Hamilton of Republicans (also known as Democratic-Republicans) were of different ideologies. Jefferson was in support of agricultural interest and values. Hamilton saw the bank as an asset to the economy of the country. Whereas, Jefferson beloved that Bank of the United States represents English influence.