1.The two enzymes p53 and Arf were injected with a genetically engineered technique and made the mice live longer than a normal mouse.
2. No, i don't think people should be able to be engineered to have high levels of the two enzymes unless it is for curing cancer. I don't think anyone should live forever even though I would like too, I don't think it would be a good idea. If everyone started living forever we would be increasing the amount of produce and resources we use up. There for most of the age-less will die from starvation (over-population). No, it should definitely not be allowed to happen in children, But if this does ever happen it should be like after your 22 years old. I know death is scary and we would all like to avoid it, but it would be in best interest for future generations that we did not live forever.
I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.