In the course of the tutorial, you have listened to musical works created by numerous composers. Choose your favorite composer or musician and write an essay explaining his/her significance in music history.

Some of the points to keep in mind while answering this question include:

new styles that the composer pioneered
new instruments used
new forms of music developed
musical virtuosity
artistic brilliance
volume of output
influence on later composers

Respuesta :

Answer: Musical forms offer a great range of complexity. Most listeners will quickly grasp the form of a short and simple piece, or of one built from many short repetitions. It is also easier to recognize familiar musical forms. The average American, for example, can distinguish easily between the verses and refrain of any pop song, but will have trouble recognizing what is going on in a piece of music for Balinese game lane. Classical music traditions around the world tend to encourage longer, more complex forms which may be difficult to recognize without the familiarity that comes from study or repeated hearings.