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1. Were called.
2. Were you asked.
3. Was asked.
4. Asked.
5. Are called.
6. Aren't called.
7. Ask.
8. Wasn't asked.
9. Was called.
10. Was offered.
11. Offered.
OLLIE: How was the job interview, Anita?
ANITA: It was OK. There were ten of us. We were asked to wait and then we were called into the interview room one by one.
OLLIE: What kind of questions were you asked?
ANITA: First, I was asked the usual kind, but then they asked really strange ones.
OLLIE: Like what?
ANITA: OK, here's one: 'You are called Tom. How is your life different?'
OLLIE: But you aren't called Tom. You're a girl!
ANITA: I guess it's a way to see how imaginative I am.
OLLIE: Did they ask you why you want the job.
ANITA: No, I wasn't asked that one.
OLLIE: Oh. So what happened after the interview?
ANITA: Well, after an hour I was called back into the room. And I was offered the job!
OLLIE: What?!
ANITA: They offered me the job, I got it!