Try These out let Me know That you’ve answered it and I’ll give you brainliest

1. hyperbole → It exaggerates the size of the ice cream cone.
2. simile → A comparison to a small bird using "like" was made.
3. personification → Human qualities were given to the fire.
4. metaphor → A comparison between a car and a dinosaur was made without the help of "like" or "as".
5. personification → Human qualities were given to the stars.
6. hyperbole → It exaggerates the size of her smile.
Hyperbole is a figure of speech that exaggerates something with the purpose of giving it emphasis. For example: I called you a million times. It is practically impossible to actually call someone a million times. But we say it to emphasize we called that person a lot.
Simile and metaphor are both figures of speech used to make comparisons. The only difference is that a simile relies on words such as "like" or "as" to make the comparison. For example: Your eyes are like stars. (simile) / Your eyes are stars. (metaphor)
Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities or abilities are attributed to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. For example: Early morning, the birds talked and laughed happily.