Respuesta :

the French subject pronouns are: je, (j'), tu, il elle, on in the singular, and nouns, and vous, ils, elles, in the plural. to day you in French, use tu if you are talking to one person you know well or to a young person. use vous if you are talking to one person you do not know so well or to more then one person


pronoun is usually placed just before the verb, excepted in formal interrogative form where it is placed after.


 1st person : je or j' (when followed by a vowel)

 2nd person: tu or t' (when followed by a vowel, in unformal way) (to be replaced by "vous" (plural) when using formal conversation)

 3rd person: il (for male) or elle (for female) , sometimes "on" (a neutral form for "they", as "one says..."  or (wrong usage often heard though) for "we")


 1st person : nous

 2nd person: vous

 3rd person: ils (for groups including at least one male, or undetermined(neutral)) or elles (for females only)


Contrary to some old languages, pronoun is not sufficient  to indicate the verbal form. Verbs are "conjugués" (conjugated, declined) according to the tense of course but to the pronoun too. For more details on each verb see

Example :

je vais dehors.  means "I'm going outside."

vais-je dehors ?  means "am I going outside?"

est-ce que je vais dehors ? is unformal way to say "am I going outside?"

on va dehors. means "we are going outside".

HTH =)

Universidad de Mexico