
Alexander was himself steering the trireme [a warship with oars], when a strong gust of wind
fell on his broad-brimmed Macedonian hat, and the band that encircled it. The hat, being rather
heavy, fell into the water. However, the band was carried along by the wind, and was caught by
one of the reeds growing near the tomb of one of the ancient kings.…[O]ne of the sailors swam
off towards the band and snatched it from the reed. But he did not carry it in his hands because it
would get wet while he was swimming. He therefore put it around his own head and brought it to
the king. Most of the biographers of Alexander say that the king gave him a talent* as a reward
for his zeal. Then he ordered his head to be cut off [because] the prophets had explained that …
he should not allow the head that had worn the royal head band to be safe.

In the second story, why did Alexander give the soldier who saved the hat band a reward? Why did he then order the man’s head cut off?