
How have the Red Hot Chili Peppers impacted music? What influence have they had on our culture?

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Transcript of Red Hot Chili Peppers ImpactsRed Hot Chili Peppers
1983 - Current
After recording "Stadium Arcadium" the John Frusciante left the band to work on his solo career, after the rest of the band heard the news, they thought taking a break from music would be the best option. Each member had their own thing going on. Anthony worked on his Biography, Scar Tissue. Flea worked on his Silverlake Conservatory Project. Chad worked on working with diffrent bands like Chickenfoot and The Bombastic Meatbats. In 2011 the band got back together and picked up a young kid named Josh Klinghoffer who had played with the backup guitar for the chili peppers and he was featured on one of John Fruciante's solo albums "A Sphere in The Heart of Silence". Each member had their own path but almost everyone came back to the beloved Red Hot Chili Peppers
The peak of sucess and beyond
The Chili Peppers were becoming more and more popular with each small gig they played,
After recording 3 albums, Slovak died from a drug overdose which changed the chili peppers dramatically. After Slovak, Irons left the band and the chili peppers moved forward, recruiting new members to fill the void.
Early Career/Life Changing event
After the Chili peppers got their name known, they started funding a lot of musical programs like Silverlake Conservatory of Music.
"Right now, [music education] is in jeopardy, and they have the power to change it and do something good here for everybody and every kid. If I didn't have music education in school, I probably would have ended up in jail or dead. And instead I ended up in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame." - Chad.
(March 19th, 2013) Chad was in Washington, D.C. to lobby members of Congress for their support of music funding in public schools.
Making It Big
Impacts the Red Hot Chili Peppers Have Made
The Red Hot Chili Peppers formed in Los Angeles, California in 1983. The founding members are; Anthony Kiedis, Michael "Flea" Balzary, Jack Irons and Hillel Slovak. The Red Hot Chili Peppers have had a huge influence on the musical world as long as outside of the music industry.
The Chili Peppers revolutionized music, mixing hard rock, funk, psychedlic rock and other genres. Besides their unique sounding muisc, many bands were influenced by the chili peppers, including; Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, 311, Sublime, Pearl Jam, Korn and The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
Why the Chili Peppers?
Besides me being a total fanboy for the chili peppers, they have made some huge impacts on the world, from creating a totally new style of music, being an influence to some great bands, funding silverlake and having so many people look up to them.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction
iTunes Originals Interview
Silverlake Conservatory of Music is a non-profit educational organization formed in California. It was founded in 2001 by Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist, Michael "Flea" Balzary and Keith "Tree" Barry to foster music education, with Chili Pepper's member Anthony Kiedis also on the board. The facility organizes an annual "Hullabaloo", one of which featured performances by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Eddie Vedder and Charlie Haden, and the Chili Peppers raised $1 million dollars for the Conservatory during a August 24, 2011 performance at Club Nokia.
RHCP Timeline of Albums and Significant Events
Current and Former Members;
Anthony Kiedis - Vocals*
Chad Smith - Drums*
Flea - Bass*
Josh Klingoffer - Guitar, Backup Vocals*
Hillel Slovak - Guitar
John Frusciante - Guitar
Cliff Martinez - Guitar
Dave Navarro - Guitar
Jack Irons - Drums
I'm With You debuted
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers 1st debuted album
Freaky Styley debuted
The Uplift Mofo Party debuted
Mother's Milk debuted
Blood Sugar Sex Magik debuted
One Hot Minute Debuted
Californication debuted
By The Way debuted
Stadium Arcadium* debuted
Silver Lake Conservatory of Music opened
Hillel passes away
Awards and Feats
7 Grammy Awards
3 American Music Awards
8 MTV Video Music Awards
Inducted into the Rock and Roll hall of fame
Many other awards


Dude I want your class


RHCP is awesome