The following given passage contains covert assumptions, which are things that the author implicitly takes for granted but does not state explicitly. The passage also contains reasons and a conclusion that are expressed in overly emotive terminology, which is highly emotional language that can obscure the intended factual meaning. Consider the questions about how covert assumptions and emotive terminology could be disengaged from the cognitive content and value claims in the given passage. Select the best answer to each question.
Given Passage
Religion is the scourge of humanity. Just think of all the people who kill one another in the name of their own version of Almighty God. It is time for us finally to start acting rationally and kindly to one another! Never again will religion be allowed to pollute the minds of our children in an age of scientific objectivity. Religious people are just a bunch of wackos who force their own narrow-minded view of reality down innocent throats. Besides, don't all religions basically say the same thing about not killing?
Which of the following statements best expresses a rephrasing of an emotively expressed portion of the passage in emotively neutral terms?
A. The various world religions have similar ethical prohibitions on murder.
B. People who kill in the name of God will burn in eternal flame.
C. Religious people are just a bunch of wackos.
D. Religion pollutes the minds of children.
E. Religious people are ignorant throwbacks to an age of unenlightenment.
Which of the following statements best represents a plausible interpretation of an intended conclusion of the passage expressed in emotively neutral terms?
A. Religion is a plague upon the earth, devouring the peace of the world.
B. Maybe if the world's faiths just duke it out, they would finish each other off for good.
C. Religion should be abandoned as irrational and immoral.
D. Don't these believers realize that they are full of pitiful self-delusions and hypocrisy?
E. Religious adherents are a hypocritical bunch of loonies.
Which of the following statements best represents a covert assumption, which is not stated expressly and which is emotively neutral, from the passage?
A. Religion is incompatible with a modern scientific worldview.
B. It is time for us finally to start acting rationally and kindly to one another.
C. Religion is the scourge of humanity.
D. Don't all of these religions say the same thing about not killing?
E. Religion forces its narrow-minded worldview down innocent throats.

Respuesta :

Answer :

1. Religious people are ignorant throwbacks to an age of unenlightenment.

2. Religion is a plague upon the earth, devouring the peace of the world.

3. Religion is incompatible with a modern scientific worldview.

Explanation :

1. Religious people are ignorant throwbacks to an age of unenlightenment.

This statement represents the rephrasing of the emotively expressed portion in the passage. The author believes that religious people are orthodox people. They are ignorant and they lived in the age of inlightenment.

2. Religion is a plague upon the earth, devouring the peace of the world.

  This sentence best represents the plausible interpretation of the intended conclusion of the passage which says that religion is used by many believers as a tool to provide punishment to others and disturbed the peace in this world.

3. Religion is incompatible with a modern scientific worldview.

This statement represents a covert assumption from the passage that is not stated expressly. The author speaks that in this age of modern scientific period, people should rise above the believers and should treat each other kindly and with love. People should not fill in their minds with hatred for each other in the name of one's God and should think critically and analytically in this modern scientific age.