Respuesta :


the ratio between the water assimilated into the body and that lost from the body also : the condition of the body when this ratio approximates equilibrium.


The Water Balance

The balance between inputs and outputs is known as the water balance or budget. The water balance can be shown using the formula:

precipitation (P) = streamflow (Q) + evapotranspiration (E) +/- changes in storage (S)

P=Q+E +/- S

The water balance affects how much water is stored in a system. The general water balance in the UK shows seasonal patterns. In wet seasons precipitation is greater than evapotranspiration which creates a water surplus. Ground stores fill with water which results in increased surface runoff, higher discharge and higher river levels. This means there is a positive water balance. In drier seasons evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. As plants absorb water ground stores are depleted. The is a water deficit at the end of a dry season.