Question 1: As a result of the Industrial Revolution the middle class experienced a lavish new lifestyle. This lifestyle included additional wealth and capital that could be used on products and services that flourished as a result of the innovations of the Industrial Revolution. What effect did the growth of the middle class have on the smaller upper class?
A. The middle class held economic power over the upper class.
B. The middle class weakened the power of the aristocracy.
C. The middle class favored socialism at the expense of the upper class.
D. The middle class had little political power compared to the upper class.

Question 2:
What is the goal of fascism?
A. The goal of fascism is to destroy capitalism.
B. The goal of fascism is to fight for equal representation in government.
C. The goal of fascism is to get rid of opposition and promote the interests of the country.
D. The goal of fascism is to cure all poverty.
Question 3:. Why did Europeans encourage dissent among neighboring African tribes?
A. Europeans hoped that African battles among tribe would reduce the native population.
B. Europeans earned bounty money on native scalps brought to their monarchs.
C. European slave traders purchased the prisoners of African tribal wars to sell in America.
D. European businessmen wanted Africa tribes to leave the areas rich in natural resources.