My undertsanding is that the reason why Penelope and Odysseus are so in love is because of their relationship's strength and their knowledge of each other. The sacred tree represents the unbreakable and immortal love upon the couple and even could say that some gods will help them. Circe was a sorceress who was a distraction to Odysseus and Calypso, the daughter of the Titan Atlas, was banished to an island where she will have to tend to lost or injured heroes. And after she has tened to them for a period of time, she will never be able to see them again as they will never be able to find Calypso's island again. Deep inside Odysseus's heart, his feelings have never changed about Penelope as he carved that sacred tree into the bed. This shows that Odysseus had liaisons that represented ancient Greek culture. Odysseus's guardian god was Athena because despite Odysseus being very strong in combat, his mind was much sharper allowing him to outwit his enemies like how he did with the suitors. His beggar disguise only hid his body but didnt clearly disguise his personality, traits, and etc. Odysseus is a hero because he has sometimes been selfless and has an amazing amount of courage. He also fought in the Trojan Wars while having the wisdom and intellett of a general. Overall Odysseus is a hero because his feats, his story, and his actions have truly proven how much of a hero he was. He also never looked for fame.