Respuesta :
Since this is the first time you have ever done this, is this a problem?
Of course this is a problem, you stole money. Stealing money is not right and it is a problem. If someone finds out, you will lose your job. legally, you could also be prosecuted, but the amount is very little. Another problem is that if you are able to go unpunished and no one finds out, this behavior will continue until you cannot hide it anymore. By then , the amount might be larger, not just a few dollars, and you will be in deep trouble.
If so, what steps should be taken to fix this problem? If not, why not?
Pay back the money you took. Simple as that. Sometimes, doing the correct thing is not difficult. Do not spend money on unnecessary things and pay the $30. Do it before this becomes a bad habit and you get into serious trouble that seriously damage your career. No company will hire someone fired for stealing money form their previous employer.