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9. Humanism: emphasis on human potential and achievement. Doctrine promoting the welfare of mankind.

Humanism in the Renaissance made people want to learn more to be able to accomplish more.

10. Secular: concerned with worldly rather than spiritual matters

Politicians are the secular leaders of society

11. Patron: people that buy art or financially support artists

The Medici family were great patrons of the arts in the Renaissance.

12. Perspective: a way of looking at things

The photo of the tree in my backyard from my house has a completely different perspective than my neighbor's house.

13. Vernacular: the common language of the people

Shakespeare's plays were popular because they were not in Latin; they were written in the vernacular.

14. Utopia: Sir Thomas More (1477 - 1535)  coined the word 'utopia' from the Greek ou-topos meaning 'no place' or 'nowhere'. It was a pun - the almost identical Greek word eu-topos means 'a good place'.

We'd all like to live in utopia to get away from illness and fighting.

15. Johann Gutenberg: Creator of the printing press

The first Bible not copied by hand was printed on Johann Gutenberg's printing press in Germany.

16. Indulgence: a pardon that releases the sinner from their penalty of sin

Corrupt priests sold indulgences to wealthy members of society who had sinned.

17. Reformation: a movement of religious reform

Martin Luther started the Reformation to try to get the Catholic church to stop being corrupt

18. Annul: declare invalid

Henry VIII wanted the church to annul his marriage so he could marry someone else

19. Council of Trent: a meeting held by the Catholic Church to try to stop everyone from going to a protestant church.

The Council of Trent was the Catholic Church's counter-reformation attempt.

20. Jesuits: followers of the society of Jesus

Jesuits founded many academic institutions that are still open today

21. Anabaptistism: the belief that baptism should only be administered to believing adults.

Because they preached anabaptism, they refused to baptize the baby in front of them.

22. Calvanism: Protestant belief system started by John Calvin.

Calvanism believes people are saved/can go to heaven by faith alone and believe that our lives are predestined. We can't change what is going to happen.