Check the citation Arredondo, E., Castaneda, D., Elder, J., Slymen, D. & Dozier (2009). Brand name logo recognition of fast food and healthy food among children. Journal of Community Health, 34(1), 13-28.

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The citation was not presented correctly, as the name of the publisher and the date of publication must be placed after the title of the publication and not before.


The bibliographic citation is the moment when an academic work must present information about the works used as sources of research for that work. The bibliographic citation must present all the elements necessary for the same source of research to be found, by anyone who is curious to read it. In this case, the bibliographic citation must present the names and surnames of the authors, the title of the publication, the date of publication, the place of publication of the book or article, the publisher, the volume of the magazine or book and the numbers of the pages used.