
HELP ME PLEASE-If you notice that pollution was harming a nearby lake, how would you convince your community of the need to take action to solve the problem? Describe three research tools you would use to find materials that support your opinion.

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We can kindly ask the community to be aware of our earth a little better so it doesn't end up being polluted. Some examples they can help with:


1. Use reusable water bottles, not disposable.

Excessive waste from our society is a problem. It is best to have one waterbottle that you refill rather than using disposable bottles that end up in the trash, on the street, and in a landfill, or possibly floating down a river, in a lake, or in the ocean.

2. Don’t wash your car in the driveway, wash it on the lawn.

A variety of pollutants and detergients are rinsed from your vehicle during washing. By parking your car on the lawn the plants in your lawn can limit the amount of these pollutants that enter into the street drain and then to streams and lakes. Plants will uptake the chemicals and reduce the pollutants that make it to the streams.


3. Dispose of hazardous chemicals properly. Don’t dump down the drain, indoors or out.

Hazardous chemicals include cleaners, paints, and many other often used chemicals. The idea that the chemical will be deluted and won’t be a problem is false. Drains are not for disposing of liquid garbage. These items are probably the most important to store, use, and dispose of properly.