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Buddhism is known to be a religion that practices and promotes peace for both human and non-human animals. Some even argue that Buddhism supports animal welfare because compassion for all living beings is highly integrated in the beliefs of Buddhism.

Christianity is practiced by billions of people, and is the most popular religion in the Americas, Europe, and the southern half of Africa. Animal rights and welfare are heavily debated over by Christians, especially in the United States and England.

Hinduism is a compilation of many traditions and philosophies, not just one organized religion. It embraces many different religious ideas and is sometimes referred to as a way of life instead of a religion.

Muslims believe that animals exist for the benefit of human beings, but also that they should be treated with kindness and compassion

Judaism places a large amount of stress on the proper treatment of animals because they are seen as a part of God’s creation. The Jewish tradition clearly states that it is forbidden to be cruel to animals. Humans must avoid tsa’ar ba’alei chayim – causing pain to any living creature.


Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism


Hinduism teaches that a part of God resides in all living things, which forms the atman. As such, reverence and respect for animals is taught.

Buddhism requires us to treat animals kindly: Buddhists try to do no harm (or as little harm as possible) to animals. Buddhists try to show loving-kindness to all beings, including animals.

Judaism Forbids Cruelty to Animals  .An entire code of laws mandates that animals be treated with compassion. Jews are not allowed to “pass by” an animal in distress or animals being mistreated, even on the Sabbath.

The general view in Islam is that animal behaviour is driven by instinct, part of the natural laws given by Allah. Human life is more important because humans can reason and act intelligently, with justice and compassion. Therefore, humans can use animals to meet their needs but should treat them with respect

Christians should treat every sentient animal according to its intrinsic God-given worth, and not according to its usefulness to human beings. Christians who do this will achieve a far greater spiritual appreciation of the worth of creation.