of the company are properly used by the employees, in addition to their
positions in the formal structure of the organization, that is, in
authority. Thus, we can say that it plays an important role
in the context of the information. Considering the statement presented, read
the following sentences and tick the only alternative whose information
they are correct.
I - The informal structure of a company is defined when the structure of the organization is formalized.
II - The interpersonal relationships in the company that affect internal decisions make up the informal structure.
III - Politics can overlap with formal channels of authority and power in an organization.
IV - Power is always linked to capital and property.
V - One of the causes of the illegitimacy of formal authority is the social relations that occur in companies.
A. II, III and V.
B. II, IV and V.
ç. I, II and III.
d. I, IV and V.
and. I, III and V.