
I thought Japan outside the United States as well however the Prime Minister of Great Britain – and the President of the United States ,_met to make war plans they decided it was important for the allies to defeat_ axis_ first. Great Britain and the USA were joined by _ after hitler betrayed his one time friend Stalin. Hitler also ordered an all out attack against _. The Allies responded by using _ to protect their ships. The Germans began to lose the war at sea. Soon things began to turn on land as well. The German blitzkrieg, or lightning war, had been able to take over most of Europe very quickly. However, a cold winter and fierce fighting halted the German at _. Over one million Soviets died in the fighting. The allies tried to help the soviets by attacking the Germans in _. The allied armies were under the command of American General _. They were able to defeat the Germans who were led by legendary General _, the “Desert Fox”.
The next allied attack was against Germany’s Axis friend, _. This country was led by a fascist dictator named _. After bloody months of fighting Italians turned on their leader and the Germans there were defeated

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ok well what is it that you need help on
