"Women” by celebrated author Alice Walker takes a close look at the sacrifices African American women, especially of her mother’s generation, took in order to make sure that their children had better educations and futures than they did. In particular, Walker has said that she wrote this particular piece for her mother, who was a maid and the wife of an unsuccessful sharecropper. Nevertheless, her mother was determined that Alice and her siblings would receive an education so that they could have better opportunities available to them in life." -Kristy Littlehale from
The poem focuses on the women of her mother's generation who broke down barriers, kinda presenting them as warriors. It mostly focuses on black women, who have been ignored in history for decades. They did this for their children, to make sure they had a better education and life than they did. It shows that these mothers did everything they could to give their children good lives, but they weren't appreciated or congratulated for it.