This decimal value is the approximation of the fraction 11/4165
There are 13 diamonds out of 52 total.
The probability of getting a diamond card is 13/52.
After selecting that diamond card and not putting it back, we have 13-1 = 12 diamonds left out of 52-1 = 51 left. The probability of getting another diamond is 12/51.
Then the probability of getting a third diamond is 11/50, and finally 10/49 represents the probability of getting a fourth diamond. Each time we need a new probability, we just subtract 1 from the numerator and denominator.
The numerators are: 13, 12, 11, 10
The denominators are: 52, 51, 50, 49
We'll multiply the four fractions to get our final answer
(13/52)*(12/51)*(11/50)*(10/49) = 0.00264105642257
This rounds to 0.0026 which is roughly a 0.26% chance
The answer as an exact fraction is 11/4165