Several friends had gathered at Jim’s house during the day off from school last
week. It was 12:30 and Dan suggested, “Let’s order some pizza for lunch!”
“Don’t you want my mom to make something for us?” asked Jim. “Oh no,” said,
Dan “Why give your mom extra work—and besides according to my Foods teacher, pizza is
a meal in a slice!”
“Annie said, “I’m not hungry—I ate before I came.” Dan said, “Annie, you never eat.”
“Yes I do”, said Annie, “I have to watch what I eat or I’ll get fat. I can’t eat more than 500
calories a day so I write down everything I eat to be sure that I don’t eat more than I
should. And I take a vitamin pill every day because I learned that vitamin means VITAL
Bea was all for ordering the pizza. Dan asked Bea how she was able to stay so thin
and yet she ate as much as the fellows. “Oh,” said Bea, “I just take a few Ex-Lax or force
myself to vomit if I eat too much. I love to eat, but like Annie, don’t want to be fat.”
Mark said that he wanted a couple of Twinkies and potato chips in addition to the
pizza. “Make sure you order several… know I can eat at least six slices by myself!”
“Well Joanie, are you in favor of the pizza?” asked Dan? “Oh sure,” Joanie
answered. “You know how I enjoy food—I’ll just do some extra running and exercising
1. Which of the girls had poor or unusual eating habits?
2. Explain why you think they were poor or unusual.
3. Which of the boys had poor or unusual eating habits?
4. Explain why you think they were poor or unusual.