Read the text and answer the questions.

Video games did not always exist, and they have changed over time. The first documented video game machine was an invention at the World's Fair of 1940. It was a large contraption that enabled two players to compete in an ancient number game called Nim. Then, an interactive game played on a computer came out in 1961. It was called Spacewar. Next, that space game was turned into an arcade game in 1971. A year later, in 1972, the first game console for home use, called the Atari, was invented. After that, 1983, the Nintendo company made a video game run by laser disc. Since that time, video games have become more and more technical. Now, you can play video games on hand- held devices and even phones! Chances are that video games will continue to become even more advanced.

Which is a fact from the text?

A.The first home video game console was the Atari.

B.Video games are getting better all the time.

C.Newer video games are more fun to play.

D.The best video games are played on phones.