The Spirit emphasizes that, as bad as want is, ignorance is worse, Because as long as people remain ignorant, lacking in knowledge, information, and understanding, they will continue to lack the resources to gain jobs and work their way out of want. Instead, the problems will just compound, until society is destroyed by them. Want is self-perpetuating. Those of us who have the resources to do so must help those who languish in want and ignorance, if we are ever to do away with them.
When the Ghost reveals the two children hiding underneath his robes to Scrooge, Scrooge reacts with deep revulsion. These children are described by Dickens as "yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish..." and as "monsters... horrible and dread."
While Scrooge initially tries to conceal his disgust by calling them "fine children" and inquiring if they are the progeny of the Ghost, he is so overcome by their appearance that he cannot stand lying.